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What if you could wake up everyday feeling full of energy and motivated to start your day WITHOUT relying on multiple caffeine drinks or medication…

Think about how much you could accomplish if you didn't have brain fog or anxiety holding you back…

Imagine everyone(including YOU) in your life that would benefit from you operating at 100%. 

The truth is, ADHD is not something you were just born with and can do nothing about.

ADHD can be debilitating if it's not managed properly.


I FEEL you on the struggle and frustration of unmanaged anxious ADHD. It's brutal. I can remember feeling beyond frustrated in school not understanding why I couldn't focus and it took me twice as long to complete homework and study for exams than my friends. I honestly felt stupid and embarrassed… 

Fast forward to adult life in the workforce and I can't stay awake at my desk, my anxiety is through the roof, and every sound overstimulates me.  Caffeine was my best friend and I would panic if I forgot to bring multiple energy drinks with me to work. I couldn't sleep either so that only added to the vicious cycle. 

I found a way out through a ton of research, trial and error, labs, genetic testing, and as my focus, energy, and mood improved people wanted to know how I did it. I became obsessed with helping people thrive without meds. I developed a system with the help of labs and genetics to help people uncover root causes of their focus, brain fog, and anxiety and take a truly personalized approach to their symptoms because everyone is different. Dr Google is a scary and confusing place and I’m here to take the guesswork out so you can get back to being your best, most happy, productive energetic self. You deserve it. 

Join the most jam packed 3 day masterclass series ever and learn how to boost mood, focus, and energy naturally for my fellow anxious ADHDers. Learn the exact methods I use for my personal clients including underlying biological and genetic causes for the symptoms you are experiencing and my methods for improving and reversing these symptoms. I'm NOT backed by big Pharma so I actually give info that truly helps instead of giving more bandaids.


Join me! October 26th, 27th, and 28th for a 3 day LIVE Masterclass “Beyond Dopamine” and get ready to have your mind blown.